Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Walkable Wilson

For years, I’ve been promising myself I would exercise and lose some weight.
What gets in the way each time is the exercise.
I hate it!
But I’ve started a new nine week program and I have to win this time. I believe I can. The program is called Walkable Wilson, and I joined with some other hopeful Wilson residents. It is supposed to encourage those who are 55 and older to stay active.
I’m not 55, so I hope I can keep up.
Walkable Wilson is co-sponsored by the Upper Coastal Plain Area Agency on Aging, the Wilson County Cooperative Extension and the Wilson County Health Department. We are supposed to meet every Thursday at the WilMed walking track at 11:30 a.m. I’m hoping some of you will come out and join me.
During the nine weeks, I’ll talk to personal trainers, physicians, nutritionists and others to get some tips on getting healthier.
Eating healthy isn’t so hard for me. I love green vegetables, raw and steamed, most seafood, raw fruit and bread that has plenty of grains. But I must admit, after I’ve eaten the steamed veggies and baked fish, I like dessert - good dessert. I want rich chocolate cake made from scratch, not a Twinkie. I like my empty calories to be filled with rich butter and white sugar.
That means I need to exercise.
But it’s the exercise I can’t ever remain true to. There is always something to get me motivated and excited. I believe I’ll have the motivation until I lose the weight I need to. But something always sucks all of the fun out of it.
I remember getting the Billy Blanks DVD. I knew I would be back to my college size 8 clothes within a year. Billy and I were an item for a little over a week. But Billy reminded me of that guy you thought you were interested in, but then he would call too often.
During one of my sessions with Billy, he smiled at the camera and with all of the energy of a 2 year old, said “Do eight more” of some unbelievable contortion. I had done that dreadful move and was aching. The suggestion that I should do eight more made me dislike Billy and all of those people on the DVD pretending to have fun.
Billy would ask questions like “Doesn’t that feel good?” and “Ready for more?”
Heck emphatically no, is my answer.
I turned Billy off and the television went “Blank.”
What has been missing all of this time is someone who would keep me accountable. Someone who would watch and not let me get away with an excuse.
Well, I have found those who will keep me accountable. You!
By doing this blog, I have to toe the line.
There is an application to fill out for Walkable Wilson. You’re asked to make goals for yourself.
They ask how will you increase your physical activity? How will you eat healthier?
And the one that stomped me: How will you manage your stress?
I had no idea how to answer that one. I thought and thought with no answer coming to me quickly. I came up with sitting by myself at home for at least 15 minutes each day to reflect and pray. I usually have to pray and reflect as I cook dinner or complete some other chore. Fifteen minutes can be hard to come by since I am a single mom with teen boys. I am a widow.
They are good boys, but they have a jam packed schedule all of the time.
Also when you sign up for Walkable Wilson, they take your blood pressure.
I keep my blood pressure under control with medication. Hopefully, I will come off the medication with exercise.
They also asked me to get on the scale.
What kind of barbaric torture is that? I refused. I didn’t weigh myself there. I waited until I could get home to faint in my own house.
I walked for two miles, the first day.
It wasn’t so bad. I’m motivated, again.
So if you’re free on Thursdays (you know you can take lunch early that day), come and join us.